Damn. It has been almost 4 months exactly since I have touched this blog. OOFTA!

I would like to say that it was because I was on some grand adventure traveling the world or helping orphans in Africa but that is not the case. I just had no motivation, energy, or inspiration to put anything worth time into writing. I was just 'blah'. But not anymore!

I can honestly say that at this point in my life I am the happiest I have ever been.

Quick little summary of what is going on in my life:
  I got a new job, moved into a new town home, got my stupid birth control yanked out (C'mon baby!), I'm helping a friend out with wedding planning, and I have been trying to get my shit together. And it's actually coming all together finally! My son Max is on summer vacay, my husband is rocking out amazing tattoos left and right <<SO PROUD OF HIM!>>, and one of my best friends, who I haven't seen in over a year, is coming home for almost 2 weeks . Minus the mountain of laundry and the state of my closet, life is pretty freekin grand right now. 

Oh yeah, I also quit drinking.

Big deal ^^^ I was not doing too great before we cut out the booze...

Honestly, I was majorly depressed. I hated myself physically, mentally, and I was kind of a hot mess. I put a lot of effort into hiding my pain and putting on pretty face but  my spirit was draining out of me one day at a time. I couldn't enjoy all of the amazing things in my life because I was struggeling to find the meaning in what I was doing with my life. 

After we quit drinking I started waking up with a clear mind, energy I never had before, and the gross bloated feeling I always fealt went away. And we are saving tons of money... yay for paying bills on time! Step 1.

I had a new job therefore something new to learn and strive for... don't get me wrong, I love my other job, but my brain needed something new. Never underestimate the power of your wardrobe- I loved the opportunity to put together new outfits and try a more professional look every day. Step 2.

Moving into a new home gave me the opportunity for a 'fresh start'. I left the negative feelings, fights, and misery at the old place (sorry new tenant!). I know that running from my problems by moving hasn't literally solved my problems but the new place symbolizes a new outlook for me. Love, Positivity, Encouragement, and Hope. Step 3.

I finally had hope that I could be the woman I wanted to be. I woke up smiling, came home from work smiling, and went to bed smiling. My heart was simply happy. I found confidence in myself with starting a new job, purpose in helping plan and make fun crafty things for a wedding, and appreciation for my husband who works his butt off and a son who never fails to make me laugh. Now I look forward to missing my period- that means baby #2- and focusing on what I want to do with my future because I don't have that fog weighing me down every day.

I finally got off my ass and made shit happen! I don't hide in an alternate reality of books and televison anymore so I can forget that the sink is full of dishes and I'm a month behind on bills. I love to escape into a good book and reality tv still amuses me but I do the dishes first. No more pushing responsibilties and problems to the side to figure out later. Just freekin' do it and then reward yourself with things you love. You will enjoy those things so much more.

Sooo really, I solved a lot of crap when I stopped drinking. That was the root of a lot of my evils. 

Save money=pay bills on time=almost zero financial stress. 

Less liquid calories and sugar=less bloat=weight loss=feel great, look great. 

No hangovers=clear mind=wake up before 10=motivation to face the full day.  

Clear mind=less stress=feel great=less fights=better relationships=happiness for everyone.

YAYYY for the here and now, YAYYY for the future, and YAYYY for me. For once I can finally say "Life is good" and truly mean it. 

I have a feeling I will be visiting my little online journal more than ever... my brain is seriously packed full of awesomeness.

6/16/2014 12:07:50 pm

unicorn on motorcycle. sums up how I feel about this post. yes.


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    Hi! I'm Brittany Lynn.

    i'm a wife, a mother, a sister, and a best friend. for you... i'll be whatever you want me to be baby ;) teehee. but really, i'm an outgoing, slightly nerdy, crazy 24 year-old cat lady. my brain is constantly filled with ideas, inspirations, rants, and raves.

    in the words of my 6 year-old son,  "i'm just a little fish in a big pond" and it is time to carpe diem... seize the day... and make the most of this big crazy world that we live in.

    be the woman you want to be. do the things you dream of doing. love every moment of this wild adventure we call "life."


    January 2014


    Get It Gurl