No two human beings are exactly the same. We may find similarities in physical appearance and personality but no one on the entire planet is exactly like you. Isn't that fascinating?! You should feel special that you are literally one of a kind. You can thank your parents for how you look- some genetics are better than others....thanks for the chicken legs dad- but the way we think, feel, and behave is (for the most part) a result of our personal life experiences.
       Therefore, in order to better understand my rantings and ravings it may be helpful for you to get to know me a little better. And if you enjoy spending a few precious moments of your life every week to read my blog you will get a better sense of my genius- or madness- however you may look at it.

                            So here we go...
                                                           The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I'm a hoarder, procrastinator, and a wee bit messy. I'm not very organized but there's usually a method to my madness. I'm very stubborn and always right. And woooweee baby do I love to debate... but I also love to learn new things and am reasonable so you may have a chance. Patience is not my strongest quality and sometimes I'm a little selfish but can you honestly say you never are?

((Wow I sound like a horrid bitch but I promise I'm really not that bad. I just wanted to get the nasty stuff out of the way.))

I used to be pretty shy but that is getting better as I get older. It comes down to low confidence levels but I have been working on it and am going to continue doing so! I'm kind of a nerd and can get vveirrrrd. Sometimes I swear I'm an old lady trapped in a 24 year old body. I like to talk about inappropriate things but not in inappropriate situations so I guess I should be grateful for that! 

I love people and surrounding myself with all sorts of different personalities. I also hate people (don't get me started on black friday) and love to be alone to do my own thing. I am not very good at communicating when it's not face-to-face. Talking on the irks me- except with a select few- along with driving and overly large masses of bodies.  

I'm a girly-girl but not afraid to get dirty. I love camping (the real kind. in a tent. no makeup or curling irons) and I love nature. But I also love big cities and having the convenience of numerous tech devices. I can be a little of a juxtaposition. And I love it. I never want to be a boring, predictable, cookie-cutter gal.

For the most part I am a kind, loving and caring person. Sometimes I care a little too much for my own good. The hopeless romantic and emotional side of me tends to override the little sensibility I possess but that's much better than being a heartless witch! I'm a very creative and passionate woman..when something really sings to my soul you best believe I'm going to share it with as many people as possible. And that is one of the main reasons I started this blog thingy.

So you may be wondering what the point of this really is…. is it a fashion blog, makeup blog, fitness blog (psshhhh yeah right), foodie blog… WTF am I going to be talking about every week?!?! 

It is all of the above (very light on the fitness part). A lifestyle blog really. And a little bit of an experiment. 
It will be a journey of figuring out who I am, who I want to be, and how I plan on getting there. You're going to see projects I'm creating, new recipes I'm making my husband and son ingest, make up and fashion loves/hates, and most likely hear about some books and movies that I feel the whole wide world should experience. 

Welcome to my world.
It's going to be a blast people. 
possibly a little messy and i'm not promising i won't be kinda odd at times. 
But gosh darnnit it sure as hell is not going to be boring!

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    Hi! I'm Brittany Lynn.

    i'm a wife, a mother, a sister, and a best friend. for you... i'll be whatever you want me to be baby ;) teehee. but really, i'm an outgoing, slightly nerdy, crazy 24 year-old cat lady. my brain is constantly filled with ideas, inspirations, rants, and raves.

    in the words of my 6 year-old son,  "i'm just a little fish in a big pond" and it is time to carpe diem... seize the day... and make the most of this big crazy world that we live in.

    be the woman you want to be. do the things you dream of doing. love every moment of this wild adventure we call "life."


    January 2014


    Get It Gurl