When you're young everyone asks "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Some of us want to be doctors, lawyers, astronauts, etc. and in my case, I dreamed of becoming a STAR. The next Shirley Temple. Movies, tv shows, sing-a-longs… hell why not name a drink after me?! Hmph. 

So I got a little older and started to figure out "Who I was" and plans became a little more realistic, but I still had big dreams.

The idea was to get through school, graduate, party it up in college, and then get said degree. Find a job. Make millions. Find a husband and have babies. Achieve Brittany's big dreams!

Well, we all know life happens. We develope friendships. then relationships. party. take tests/fail tests/ace tests. grow boobs (if we're lucky). get in fights with our parents. think we know everything about the world. The ups and downs, ins and outs, but it will all be alright because when we are adults we will have time to be perfect and do everything right. When you are young you are the 'dreamer' and when you are 'old' you become the 'do-er'. 

Well sometimes life really throws you for a loop. And in my case, it was a pretty big freekin' loop. I had to be a 'do-er' a little earlier than planned.

I was 17 years young when I found out I had a bun in my little oven- of course me growing boobs couldn't just be a lucky growth spurt- and all of my plans had to be alterted a little. Scared shitless, I had to come to terms with one helluva 'oopsie.' My parents and family were very supportive and I had a blast shopping for baby clothes with my mom instead of deodorant and tampons! But the thing that I am most grateful for is that I had a 'baby daddy' who stood by my side through the entire process. And after 8 years of craziness, I call that 'baby daddy' my husband, Adam. He can be a pain in the ass sometimes but I could'nt have done it without him!                  I digress.

So at 17, my plans for the future were put on the back burner.  Instead of checking out colleges I was checking out apartments. Shopping for shoes turned into shopping for diapers. And having a giant preggo belly while trying to fight through the high school cafeteria was hell. God forbid some little twerp got in the way of me and my taco salad. I was ready to  snap necks left and right. But at least I had a few months to prepare and have everything ready right?? Wrong.

My little bun didn't want to stay in the oven. After a long and stressful night (thanks OPD) that I will most likely share later,  I gave birth via C-section to my 4.6 pound son Maximus. Seven weeks premature. He really was and is my little gladiator. The story of his birth and the months to follow is a story for another time, but I reassure you he is healthier and happier than I could have ever asked for. And it was nothing like that bullshit you see on Teen Mom << don't even get me started.
Skipping over a little and getting to the moral of my story…  shit happens. Sometimes its a huge life altering event such as mine, and sometimes its just a minor set back. But we all have dreams. We have all at one point made big plans for ourselves. Even though your plans change a little, do not forget what your dream is. 

My big dream is no longer to because a STAR- I wouldn't object to it- but I'm thinking more along the lines of what is best for my family as a whole. But I still have dreams and big plans for how I envision my life. In a way, I'm lucky because I don't have to stress over creating my perfect family because I already have it so now it is time for me to get OFF MY ASS and start DOING SOMETHING about these dreams. No more procrastinating. Baby steps. Vision boards?? Whatever can get me a little closer to becoming the woman, mother, and wife that I dream to be.

I knew I hoarded all of those magazines for a reason.

Keep dreaming. Never let anyone bring you down. You are in control of your life and you can make it happen.
Lets get this show on the road!
If you need a little help getting started:
  • The Secret … I was very inspired by this movie that I found on Netflix and know many who loved the book!
  • Self help books… they're really quite inspiring.
  • Vision boards… if you're a visual person these are great! (Oprah even supports this idea)
  • Journals, Timelines, and Bucketlists… it really helps to get your thoughts onto paper and put it all together.
  • They even have Apps!

1/13/2014 02:32:21 am

...so we should start a vision board for Flowers In The Attic?



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    Hi! I'm Brittany Lynn.

    i'm a wife, a mother, a sister, and a best friend. for you... i'll be whatever you want me to be baby ;) teehee. but really, i'm an outgoing, slightly nerdy, crazy 24 year-old cat lady. my brain is constantly filled with ideas, inspirations, rants, and raves.

    in the words of my 6 year-old son,  "i'm just a little fish in a big pond" and it is time to carpe diem... seize the day... and make the most of this big crazy world that we live in.

    be the woman you want to be. do the things you dream of doing. love every moment of this wild adventure we call "life."


    January 2014


    Get It Gurl