Hi my name is Brittany... remember me?? Well...

I'm in a funk. I've been uninspired, unproductive, and antisocial. Its the nastiest combo of subzero temperatures and poopy weather (thank you Minnesnowta), feeling unhealthy physically and mentally, and stressing about everything from missed phone calls to bills that makes me want to crawl into a hole and hide most days. No bueno. I know I'm not alone but how do I dig myself out of this hole? 

There are 3 areas in my life that need a little extra TLC: finances, relationships with others, and my relationship with myself. 

  The hardest part is fixing the relationship with myself. I feel physically and mentally weak.  Instead of taking steps to find myself again, I go into a zombie-like state and dig myself a deeper hole which then causes any other issues I may have to grow... so frustrating! I know I  sound touch crazy but it's like an inner war- one part of my brain assesses the situation at hand and wants to move forward with a solution, but then the other part of my brain says "Nap now and figure it out later." Some days are better than others but you get the idea right?
      I hate it. I know I have so much more potential and talent that I'm suppressing myself from. It's going to take some time and a lot of work but I know I can break this. I've done it before.                           stupid winter blues...

soooo... Baby steps

1.  Address the issue/Figure out the problem.
2.  Write it down. Make a list. It helps to get it out of your head and physically see the problem.
    3.  Figure out your goal and write down what you want the end result to be.
    4.  Establish a system or set of realistic steps that will lead to you accomplishing your goal/resolving your "issue".
    5.  Take the steps one at a time and cross them off your list as you go so that you can see yourself 
          moving closer to the solution.
    6.  Post your plan in a place you will see it daily. Don't let yourself push away the issue to take care of later. 
          Forgetting your problems won't make them any better.
   7.  Celebrate and reward yourself once you've accomplished your goal. Even the tiniest baby step 
         forward takes you closer to the light at the end of the tunnel.
If you need a little extra inpspiration or a kick in the buns to get started check *this* out or maybe *this*... but **THIS** is what really gets me motivated and inspired to change
 (if you have Netflix you can find The Secret on Instant Streaming as well)

Everyone goes through rough patches in life and sometimes it's hard to remember that things will get better. Stressing out about things like bills, work, and relationships is totally normal and everyone does it but when you are in that situation you tend to feel pretty alone. Now, don't think that I'm about to go off the deep end or run off to hide because it really is slowly getting better. I am getting out of the house and hanging out with friends, going to work, and even applied for a new part time job.  Taking life day by day.  I am so fortunate to have amazing people in my life who I can talk to and help me out. That really helps. Sometimes your brain just fills up with shit and you need someone to vent to that will bring an outside perspective to the situation. We all have a little drama queen inside of us who can blow things way out of proportion. Your friends and family or even a coworker can help reign you in and get a hold of the situation as well. So don't be ashamed if you have the blues or are feeling a little down- it happens to even the best of us- talk to someone, talk to yourself even (don't worry you aren't crazy), write it down... just get it out of your system! And once you have gotten it out of your system or figured out your "fix-it" plan, watch a funny movie or read a good book, just remember to occasionally do things that lift your spirit and help you to forget your stress for an hour or two. All work and no play makes for an absolutely miserable-crap hole-depressing black hole of all joy-make you pluck your eyeballs out-shitty life. No thanks.
    Do something that really makes you happy or makes you feel good.

It is important to stick to your plan and move forward but it is just as important to laugh a little. Love. Smile. Hug someone. Sometimes it really blows being a grown up and living in the real world but it's also really freekin' awesome discovering who you truly are and being able to choose where you want your life to go. You only live once so don't let yourself waste your life away with stress and anger. Smile. SMILE RIGHT NOW. Watch this funny cat video. Or this funny cat video. And appreciate that you have an entire world of beautiful places to see, amazing food to eat, wonderful people to love, and countless memories to be made.

.....Things that make me happy......

Watch your favorite movie. Listen to your favorite band. Try out a new hobby. Create something. 
I find Pinterest to be very inspiring and a good place to look for ideas. Here are my PINSPIRATIONS.

I love you guys. Thank you for your patience and for your precious minutes you took to read my rantings.
And know that if you EVER need someone to talk to or are feeling lonely and down you can email me, Facebook me, comment on my blog. Sometimes you just need a friend who understand what you are going through and I will always be there for anyone who needs a friend.
2/17/2014 11:22:25 am

I have been feeling the same way!! Your blog post helped alot and gave me some great ideas to get thru winter. Thanks :) :) keep em coming :)

Brittany Lynn
2/17/2014 12:49:09 pm

Happy I could help out a little! It helps to have people to talk to and bounce ideas off of that understand and make you smile. Never underestimate the power of friendship and love! Get it gurrrl ;)

2/17/2014 09:05:48 pm

This may be my favorite post yet...I know im dark and depressing as well. Yay to you for addressing things. and yes, cats fix alot of things


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    Hi! I'm Brittany Lynn.

    i'm a wife, a mother, a sister, and a best friend. for you... i'll be whatever you want me to be baby ;) teehee. but really, i'm an outgoing, slightly nerdy, crazy 24 year-old cat lady. my brain is constantly filled with ideas, inspirations, rants, and raves.

    in the words of my 6 year-old son,  "i'm just a little fish in a big pond" and it is time to carpe diem... seize the day... and make the most of this big crazy world that we live in.

    be the woman you want to be. do the things you dream of doing. love every moment of this wild adventure we call "life."


    January 2014


    Get It Gurl